6 lb blackberries
2-1/2 lb granulated sugar
1/2 tsp pectic enzyme
7 pts water
wine yeast and nutrient
Wash berries thoroughly in colander, then crush in bowl, transfer to primary fermentation vessel, and pour 7 pts. boiling water over must. Allow to steep for two days, then strain through nylon sieve onto the sugar. Stir well to dissolve sugar, add pectic enzyme, cover well, and set aside for 24 hours. Add yeast and nutrient, cover, and set aside 5-6 days, stirring daily. Pour into secondary fermentation vessel of dark glass (or wrap clear glass with brown paper), filling only to the upper shoulder of the secodary, and fit airlock. Leftover must should be placed in a 1.5-liter wine bottle with airlock (a #2 bung fits most 1.5-liter wine bottles) and used for topping up. Top up when all danger of foaming over is past. Place in cool (60-65 degrees F.) dark place for three months. Rack, allow another two months to finish, then rack again and bottle in dark glass. Allow 6 months to age, a year to mature.
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